Shorting the preclinical curriculum. USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX-USA Level 1 going pass/fail. Heightened emphasis on clinical integration and professionalism within the first two years. Amid these and other changes to preclinical medical education, medical science educators wonder, “How do the basic sciences and the educators who teach them still matter?” The IAMSE 2022 Winter webinar series will explore this question as we examine the evolving and constant roles of basic science educators. By integrating foundational disciplines throughout the medical school experience, basic science educators will continue to play vital roles in the education and development of physicians and other health care providers. Beginning Thursday, January 6 at 12PM Eastern, join IAMSE for:
How Science Educators Still Matter:
Leveraging the Basic Sciences for Student Success
This five-part webinar series will incorporate viewpoints from educators around the globe in shortening an 18-month preclinical curriculum to 12 months (session 1), the relevance of research in the medical school curriculum (session 2), innovative strategies and persistent challenges when incorporating diverse basic science topics into the clerkships (session 3), professional identity formation among medical students (session 4) and assessment in the absence of USMLE STEP 1 (session 5).
Sessions in the Winter 2022 series include:
- January 6 at 12PM EST – Nadia Ismail, David Rowley and Munder Zagaar (Baylor College of Medicine) present New Horizons: Restructuring the Basic and Clinical Sciences Beyond USMLE
- January 13 at 12PM EST – Rachel Wolfson (The University of Chicago) presents Research in Medical School — Impact on Career Path
- January 20 at 12PM EST – Michelle Daniel (University of California San Diego) presents Integrating Basic Science in the Clerkships: Innovative Strategies and Persistent Challenges
- January 27 at 2PM* EST – Michelle Lazarus and Shemona Rozario (Monash University) present Identity Shape-Shifting: How Basic Science Teaching Practices Can Foster Identity Transformation From Medical Student to Medical Professional
*Please note that this session will be held at 2PM EST. - February 3 at 12PM EST – David Harris presents Rethinking Assessment Strategies in the Basic Sciences as Step 1 Goes Pass/Fail
As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE!
For more information on student member registration, please email support@iamse.org