In case you missed last week’s Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Session, here are the highlights of this session:
Project on the Good Physician: Using Life Stories to Study Medical Student Wellness
Presenters: Tania M. Jenkins, PhD and John D. Yoon, MD
March 29, 12 PM ET
- The Project on the Good Physician is a longitudinal study of the moral and professional formation of the US physician.
- How does one become and remain a good physician?
- Researchers found high rates of reported burnout for medical students.
- The life-story approach is unique because it examines the dynamic nature of stressors and resilience-building factors before and throughout the duration of medical school.
- The study design included questionnaires and follow-up phone interviews. Secondary analyses were conducted on the qualitative data from the phone interviews which produced the following findings:
- Stressors: Negative role models, difficult rotations, USMLE Step 1
- Double-edged swords: (stressor and/or motivator) Financial concerns, personal life events
- Stress-attenuating factors: Positive role models, support networks, faith and spirituality, passion (These strategies helped students reframe stressors as temporary.)
- Studying life stories provides a window into how medical students make sense of their lived experiences and how they identify stressors and those factors that protect against stress.
- Life stories explore the role of past individual challenges as sources of future resilience by creating an understanding of how lived experiences influence and mitigate stress.
- For more details about this study, please refer to the Good Physician website: https://pmr.uchicago.edu/projects/research/good-physician
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