The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is happy to announce that registration for our inaugural Virtual Forum is now open! Join us December 2-3 and 5-6 as we host workshops, ignite talks, posters, lightning talks, roundtable discussions and more. The theme for the Virtual Forum is:
Health Professions
Education Without Borders
Our world is rapidly changing and the need for future health care professionals to understand this changing landscape is crucial. Join us for the 2022 IAMSE Virtual Forum where we will tear down the borders that separate us and work towards more integrated education opportunities. Borders come in all forms, from geo-political to socio-economic, from online to face to face, and from diversity to experience levels. This forum will feature conversations that showcase the borders but give actional suggestions on how to remove them and build community. Topics include but are not limited to technology-enhanced education, online vs face to face, conflict zone education, diversity equity and inclusion, intercollegiate collaboration, international collaboration, junior and senior educator collaboration, and any other border that hinder us from sharing resources, talents, and helping our students be the best health professional they can be.
Additional details and registration can be found at www.IAMSEForum.org. Looking forward to meeting you at the forum!