The 2019 IAMSE meeting offers many opportunities for faculty development and

How to Use Disruptive Technology to Make Education Better – Not Just Different
Presenter: Claudia Krebs – University of British Columbia
Plenary Address: Sunday, June 9, 2019, 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM
The digital world has become a natural extension of our analog world, every aspect of our lives has been touched by the power of the digital revolution and medical education is no exception to this. As educators we have been called to change our approach to learning so that our students will become competent and flexible partners in a rapidly evolving health care system. Transformative education requires both our intellect and our creativity so that we can leverage the potential of pedagogy and technology for the best impact in our classrooms. Not every aspect of learning requires a complex solution, it is imperative that we learn about the tools we have at our fingertips. We need to learn how to create with these emerging, disruptive tools, how to explore the possibilities that are only now opening up to us. Emerging technologies such as VR and AR have the potential to disrupt our approaches to learning, to engage students, to provide learning experiences that touch our learners in a very profound way.
We are just at the cusp of these developments and it is imperative that we become co-developers with our students so that we can create media with authenticity. Development with emerging and new technologies requires a multidisciplinary team with medical experts, engineers, artists, students, faculty, and staff. As the boundaries between the digital and the analog are blurring, how can we ensure that we anchor our students in the here and now? Can we use technology to help students develop empathy and connection with those who are in their care? We will explore the transformative power of technology when used effectively towards a pedagogical goal. This talk will discuss best practices for design- from simple to complex, from chalk talks to virtual reality – and how to integrate these materials into evolving curricula