The 2020 IAMSE Spring Webcast Audio Seminar Series begins today at 12pm Eastern! In the upcoming weeks experts and thought leaders will discuss curricular efforts to incorporate HSS in both the pre-clerkship and clerkship years as well as residency.
Our second session in the series will take place on March 12 and will feature Anna Chang, Adrienne Green, and Edward Pierluissi from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine.
Anna Chang, Adrienne Green and Edgar Pierluissi
Health Systems Science: The Pre-Clinical Years in Medical School
Presenters: Anna Chang, MD, Adrienne Green, MD and Edgar Pierluissi, MD
Session: March 12, 2020 at 12pm Eastern Time
The US health care system is failing many patients and clinicians today. Medical education must be a part of the solution, as all future physicians need the knowledge and skills to lead and participate in innovations to improve outcomes. This webinar describes a unique partnership between undergraduate medical education and an academic health system that allows early medical students to learn health systems improvement by contributing to real-time efforts. It features medical educators and health systems leaders as well as inspirational stories of student learning and project impact.
For more information and to register for the Spring 2020 Audio Seminar Series, please visit registration for individuals and institutions.