Use of preclinical High Fidelity Medical Simulations (HFMS) to promote the integration of basic and clinical sciences in undergraduate medical education

Presented by Laurel Gorman, PhD on September 8, 2016 at 12:00 pm

This session will discuss how to implement and effectively integrate pharmacology and physiology with other essential foundational and clinical sciences using preclinical high fidelity medical simulations carefully scaffolded to keep cognitive domain levels appropriate to the novice medical student’s abilities. While the medical educational literature is replete with proposed curricular models designed to integrate critical foundational sciences like physiology and pharmacology with clinical sciences, gaps exist on the best pedagogy and procedures to maximize conceptual integration and learner encapsulation at the instructor and sessional level. We will review our research evaluating the effectiveness of various techniques used to teach pharmacology within preclinical simulations, and share models and implemental procedures that best support active learning and reflection on error to maximize the impact to learners. Further, we hope to promote a dialogue with other medical educators on how to utilize medical simulation pedagogy to support horizontal and vertical integration of the foundational basic and clinical sciences.

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Presenter Bios

Dr. Gorman completed a Ph.D. in pharmacology and therapeutics with a primary focus in neuropharmacology from Louisiana State University School of Medicine, and went on to complete post-doctoral fellowships at the Weill Cornell College of Medicine and the University of Miami School of Medicine in the Miami Project for Spinal Cord Research before transitioning to a focus on medical education and pharmacology curriculum development in 2000. An experienced and passionate medical educator, Dr. Gorman also served as founding faculty developing an innovative integrated curriculum for new medical school. Currently an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Director of preclinical pharmacology curricula for the University Of Central Florida College Of Medicine, Dr. Gorman has distinguished herself by receiving numerous national and institutional awards for excellence in both teaching and educational scholarship. She was recently inducted into the national American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Academy of Pharmacology Educators in recognition for her contributions to the innovation of pharmacology education and educational scholarship. Dr. Gorman has been an active member of IAMSE for several years presenting at several meetings and contributing to programing and reviewing for both the annual meeting and Medical Science Educator. Additionally, she has presented the results of her research on the value of using medical simulations and game-based teaching approaches at several national and international meetings, and has published her results in several peer-reviewed medical education journals.