The IAMSE Manuals Editorial Board is seeking proposals for contributions to the IAMSE Manuals book series to be published in 2025.
The IAMSE Manuals series was established to disseminate current developments and best evidence-based practices in healthcare education, offering those who teach in healthcare the most current information to succeed in their educational roles. The Manuals offer practical “how-to-guides” on a variety of topics relevant to teaching and learning in the healthcare profession. The aim is to improve the quality of educational activities that include, but are not limited to: teaching, assessment, mentoring, advising, coaching, curriculum development, leadership and administration, and scholarship in healthcare education, and to promote greater interest in health professions education. They are compact volumes of 50 to 175 pages that address any number of practical challenges or opportunities facing medical educators. The manuals are published by Springer; online versions are offered to IAMSE members at a reduced price.
We welcome proposal submissions on topics relevant to IAMSE’s mission and encourage multi-institutional, international, and interprofessional contributions. Previously published manuals can be found by clicking here. Currently, manuals on the topics of feedback, problem-based learning, professionalism, online education, and leveraging student thinking are already being developed for publication in 2023 and 2024.
To submit your proposal, please click here. The submission deadline is October 1, 2023.
Each proposal will be evaluated by the IAMSE Manuals Editorial Board using the criteria specified above. The Editorial Board will then discuss the proposals and select 2-to-3 for publication. Selections will be based on how well the proposals match the above criteria. We expect publication decisions to be made by December 2023. We anticipate that selected manual proposals will be published during the second half of 2025.
Read here for the full call and submission guidelines.
If you have any questions about submission or the Manuals series please reach out to
We look forward to your submissions.