Registered Students Can Attend NEST for FREE at #IAMSE22!

Join the IAMSE 2022 Annual Meeting in June so you can attend this free, in-person workshop just for students! This free workshop co-developed with ScholarRx will provide student participants with an introductory, hands-on experience in applying Kern’s Six-Step model to design a complete education activity with appropriate pedagogic strategies. Students will also explore models of converting medical education design and development into scholarship.

New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students
Presenters: Colleen CronigerAmber HeckTao Le & Elisabeth Schlegel
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM

After participating in this session, student attendees should be able to:

  • Describe a framework for medical education professional development
  • Discuss and apply principles and best practices for curriculum design, pedagogic strategies, and educational scholarship
  • Identify and synthesize themes that integrate across major domains of medical education professional development.

For more information on half-day faculty development sessions, and to register for the 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit