Message From the Editor-In-Chief

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, JIAMSE

Dear JIAMSE readers!

Welcome to JIAMSE volume 18-2. This is an important issue, because with this issue we implement the decision reached at the IAMSE meeting in Salt Lake City to publish the Journal four times a year with every type of contribution included. Consequently, in this issue you will find research manuscripts, innovations, a case report, MERGE, letter to the editor, and also instructions for publication. Publishing four times a year will allow us to get your manuscripts published more quickly.

All we need to make this publication schedule a success is your cooperation. First of all, please contribute all that you do innovative at your schools for peer-review, as an innovation, an article, opinion, or letter to the editor. Remember your “solution” to the educational cases is also considered as a publication following editorial review. Educational publication may not be easy for many of you, as it was not for me, who are used to publishing classical bench research. This is one reason why we ran a workshop in Salt Lake City for publication in JIAMSE and other education venues, though we hope you would consider JIAMSE first for your work. This workshop will be repeated in Leiden at the next IAMSE meeting. However, even if not easy, our editorial team is very user-friendly and will work with you to make your work as publishable as possible.

I look forward to your submissions and in the meanwhile enjoy the educational work presented in JIAMSE Volume 18-2.

All best,

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.