In the last quarter of 2018, Medical Science Educator, the journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), will be publishing a special journal section dedicated to the topic of “Nutrition Education.” In this section, the journal would like to explore best practices from institutions around the world where nutrition education is implemented in the health sciences curriculum.
Many of the non-communicable diseases of today are a result of gene-environment-lifestyle interactions. Specific clinical interventions in lifestyle have an amazing potential to intervene in such diseases. Doctors should both be aware of the power of such interventions and be trained in new communication skills to coach their patients towards a healthier way of living. Therefore, it is important that the students we train today acquire competence in lifestyle medicine. To accomplish that goal, a growing number of medical and nursing schools include lifestyle and nutrition education in their curriculum.
The Editorial Board of Medical Science Educator is currently soliciting article submissions on this topic and welcome contributions in the selected formats of Innovation, Short Communication, or Monograph. Please see our website www.medicalscienceeducator.org for a more detailed description of these article types. All submissions will be peer-reviewed according to our regular review process. Accepted manuscripts will be collected in a special section in issue 28(4) or will be published in one of the regular issues thereafter.
Manuscripts to be considered for this special section must be submitted by July 15, 2018 through our online submission system that can be found by visiting: www.medicalscienceeducator.org. In your cover letter, please refer to the topic “Nutrition Education” to indicate that you would like to be included in the special section. See our journal website to review the Instructions for Authors.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!