Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Larry Hurtubise, MA.

While I am relatively new to IAMSE I have been collaborating professionally with IAMSE members for years. IAMSE and the Web Audio Seminar Series (WAS) have offered me opportunities for professional growth in three tangible ways. One is my professional interest is how to meaningfully connect isolated health sciences educators with leading educational thinkers, second is that the topics covered in the WAS augment my own professional development, third, and most importantly is the passionate educators and mentors I have met as a member of the IAMSE community.
As Chair of the WAS committee I am grateful for our committee which works hard to develop a series which address current and pressing topics in health science education. These webinars feature outstanding speakers and our team is always piloting new technologies to improve engagement with participants. I have also benefited professionally from the series and its presentations on topics like competency based medical education, wellness, and medical education research. I frequently reference the series recordings and blog.
Over the years, I have found IAMSE members to be thoughtful and conscientious. As a past Chair of the Generalists in Medical Education I have gotten to know Peter du Jong and Julie Hewett. I have presented at conferences with members like Bill Jefferies and Giulia Bonaminio and have worked on grant funded projects with Machelle Linsenmeyer and Katie Hugget. Recently I have gotten the opportunity to learn from Rick Vari and Nehad El-Sawi, past chairs of the WAS committee who are still contributing to the committee and IAMSE. These opportunities for continued professional growth make me grateful for my association with IAMSE members in the past and excited for the future!
Have you registered for the Fall Webcast Audio Seminar Series “Evolution and Revolution in the Medical Education: Technology in the 21st Century“? Reserve your spot for this semester’s seminal and exciting look at the changes in medical education.