Association for Medical Education in Europe
August 25 – 29, 2018
Basel, Switzerland
The 2018 Association for Medical Educatio in Europe (AMEE) Annual Conference will be taking place in Basel, Switzerland from August 25 – 29, 2018. The IAMSE booth will be present at the conference to exhibit, so if you plan on attending this meeting, don’t forget to swing by and say hello! During the Meeting you will have two opportunities to see IAMSE in action.
Monday, August 27 Aviad Haramati, Peter GM de Jong, Neil Osheroff, Kelly M Quesnelle, Dujeepa D Samarasekera and President Richard C. Vari will be presenting “The role of the Biomedical Sciences in Teaching and Learning Medicine in the 21st Century” a Symposium located in 4D.
IAMSE will be hosting a Meet and Greet from 12:30 – 1:30 on Monday, August 27 before the Symposium.
We look forward to seeing you in Switzerland! For more information on the AMEE Meeting, please click here.