We hope you’ve made plans to join medical educators and students from around the world for the second annual IAMSE Virtual Forum! Join IAMSE October 18-20, 2023 as we host lightning talks, ignite talks, and more! This year’s theme is:
Should It Stay or Should It Go?
Changing Health Education for Changing Times
At this first-of-its-kind event, we will discuss what works and what does not serve educators and students alike when it comes to curriculum reform – what should stay and what should go. Topics will cover how curriculum reform impacts students, curriculum, and teaching as well as Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences Education.
Meet the Ignite Speakers

Calibrating Our Compass: Flourishing as the North Star for Charting the Way Forward
Wednesday, October 18 from 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM EDT
Presented by Kimara Ellefson, Kern National Network
How Are We Going to Get to The Moon? Developing Operating Principles for Effective Curriculum Change
Thursday, October 19 from 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM EDT
Presented by Holly Gooding, Emory University School of Medicine
Teaching in the Age of Online Resources: Designing Lesson Plans to Enhance the Value of In-Person Classroom Learning
Friday, October 20 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT
Presented by Neil Mehta, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of CWRU
View the Lightning Talk Abstracts
Wednesday, October 18
12:00pm – 1:00pm Eastern
Lightning Talks Room 1: Mental Health
Lightning Talks Room 2: Student Success
Lightning Talks Room 3: Student Success
Lightning Talks Room 4: Anatomy
Lightning Talks Room 5: Social Determinants of Health
Thursday, October 19
12:00pm – 1:00pm Eastern
Lightning Talks Room 1: AI
Lightning Talks Room 2: Assessment
Lightning Talks Room 3: Interprofessional Education
Lightning Talks Room 4: Anatomy
Lightning Talks Room 5: Courses
Friday, October 20
10:15am – 11:15am Eastern
Lightning Talks Room 1: AI
Lightning Talks Room 2: Professional Development
Lightning Talks Room 3: Social Determinants of Health
Lightning Talks Room 4: Research
Lightning Talks Room 5: Other
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know at support@iamse.org. Additional forum details and registration can be found at www.iamseforum.org.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in October!