Call for Committee Volunteers

Within our association, several committees are operating to help move the organization forward and achieve the strategic goals set by the Board of Directors. The contribution of our members to these committees is crucial and highly appreciated. At the moment, we are seeking a broad representation of professional educators, basic scientists, clinical scientists, and instructional technologists from around the world as volunteers for the following committees:

Membership Committee: Responsible for evaluating the needs of IAMSE’s membership and recommends appropriate ways to meet those needs. The Membership Committee will also develop methods and programs for active membership recruitment and retention. In general, we expect members of the committee to be available for a one hour monthly video meeting and accessibility by email.

Reviewers for the Journal: Medical Science Educator publishes articles which focus on teaching the sciences that are fundamental to modern medicine and health. Coverage includes basic science education, clinical teaching and the incorporation of modern educational technologies. We are currently looking for members who want to become a reviewer. Although expertise in the field is always helpful, the most important goal of our peer review is to judge the manuscript for its quality and appropriateness to be published in our journal and to provide the authors useful feedback. Reviewers might expect about 6 manuscripts to review per year.

In general, we expect members of the committees to be available for a one hour monthly video meeting and accessibility by email. If you would like to be considered for a position on either of these committees, please send a brief statement of your interest and qualifications to by January 6.
We hope that you will consider becoming involved in this important and collegial work.