Message from Editor-in-Chief

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.


It is most gratifying to note the increased numbers and quality of contributions by the membership, both of articles, as well as Innovations and Monographs. The launching of the first Supplement was a success. The response to the call for reviewers has also yielded many new and capable professionals for the future review of all contributions. We hope to hear positive news from listing services this year. In sum, things are going very well with the journal and the editorial team is working hard.

That said, if we hope to reach the first tier of medical education publications, which is a very reachable goal, we require cooperation from the membership. We need for all of you to consider JIAMSE first when you submit papers for review. We need even more and the highest level submissions. Secondly, we need to reference the work published in JIAMSE far more. We were reviewed recently by Current Contents and their view was “While JIAMSE has left a favorable impression with the evaluators, the group notes that the journal is not demonstrating adequate levels of citation activity.” The only way in which this can be improved is if the authors who publish in our Journal also reference papers previously published in the JIAMSE. We have the volumes archived on the web and it shouldn’t be hard to peruse them to determine if any articles there are relevant to your work sent in for consideration. If we all work together, good things will happen for the Journal.

If you have educational research that needs publishing, look to the JIAMSE. You will be in good company. I look forward to hearing from you. All best,

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, JIAMSE

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