"Mind The Gap" (created by medical student Malone Mukwende at St. George's University of London) is now freely available for download as a PDF at: blackandbrownskin.co.uk Dermatological Atlas of Black Skin (Skin of Color) 1st Edition by Coyle Connelly (Author), Joseph Bikowski (Author) ISBN-13: 978-1873413296 ISBN-10: 1873413297 Instagram of dermatological conditions on folks of color: Brown Skin Matters https://library.une.edu/blog/2020/06/02/antiracism-reading-list/ This is from the University of New England https://www.blackandbrownskin.co.uk/mindthegap https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2020/07/22/malone-mukwende-medical-handbook/ https://www.sgul.ac.uk/news/mind-the-gap-a-handbook-of-clinical-signs-on-black-and-brown-skin Bosch, Barbara, et al. Ethnicity impacts the cystic fibrosis diagnosis: a note of caution. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 12 Nov 2016 https://www.amazon.com/Black-Man-White-Coat-Reflections/dp/1250105048 https://www.amazon.com/White-Fragility-People-About-Racism/dp/0807047414 https://www.ps.columbia.edu/education/student-resources/honor-code-and-policies/guidelines-promoting-bias-free-curriculum https://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/md-education/learning-environment/checklist.html recent bioanth perspective on race and genetics https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/ajpa.23979 Braun L, Saunders B. Avoiding racial essentialism in medical science curricula. AMA Journal of Ethics (ex-Virtual Mentor) 2017 Jun; 19(6): 518-527. Garcia RS. The Misuse of race in medical diagnosis. Pediatrics 2004 May; 13(5): 1394-1395 Tsai JW. “You Can’t Tell A Book By Its Cover – Or A Disease By Drake’s Race” (STAT First Opinion, 11 Jul 2018) at: https://www.statnews.com/2018/07/11/disease-race-associations-drake/ One more general resource from UCSF, https://www.facs.org/-/media/files/covid19/ucsf_antiracism_race_literacy_toolkit_medical_educators.ashx Prather, C., Fuller, T.R., Jeffries, W.L., Marshall, K.J., Howell, A.V., Belyue-Umole, A., & King, W.J. (2018). Racism, African American Women, and Their Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Review of Historical and Contemporary Evidence and Implications for Health Equity. Health equity, 2(1): 249-259. DOI: 10.1089/heq.2017.0045. http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/heq.2017.0045 Here is a start for neuroscience: https://www.amazon.com/Protest-Psychosis-Schizophrenia-Became-Disease/dp/0807001279 “Just Medicine: A cure for racial inequality in American Health Care” https://www.amazon.com/dp/1479851620/ref=wl_mb_wl_huc_mrai_3_dp staci.leisman@mssm.edu OR @stacileisman on Twitter