Message from Editor-in-Chief

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.


Hello IAMSE and international reader family of JIAMSE. This is my final issue as Editor-in-Chief. As of July 1, JIAMSE will have a new editor.

Issue 20-2 represents our best effort to date. There is a variety of presentations from manuscripts to Letters to the Editor. There is a medical case on what do when a student cheats. There are monographs on medical education and research papers. I trust every one of you will find a contribution which will resonate with your own needs in medical education.

My time as editor has seen the journal grow from two issues a year with about 6-7 papers, mostly as research and commentary, to where we publish 4 times a year with an equivalent level of accepted papers, and we have developed several ways to be able to publish a peer-reviewed effort. While we have never had as extensive a volume as 20-2, our, per issue, number of contributions has steadily risen every year that I have been Editor-in-Chief. We have achieved some national listing for the journal, and our reputation as a quality journal has grown significantly. More listings are in the future and the prestige we have achieved will not fade.

I am proud of what we have achieved as an editorial board. None of this could have been achieved without the selfless and superior help of Dr. Marshall Anderson, and the superb editorial board consisting of Drs. Bolender, Crandall, Knoop, Cotter, McMahon, Seifert, May, and Lambert. Thanks to all of them for making my job easier.

So, with this Editor-in-Chief statement, my time as Editor- in-Chief ends. I have enjoyed this job, and it has been very satisfying to see so many international contributions come to fruition of publication. I hope you all will continue publishing in JIAMSE.

My very best to all of you,

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.
Distinguished Teaching Professor
University of Louisville
School of Medicine
Master Teacher, IAMSE
Editor-in-Chief, JIAMSE

Published Page Numbers: 41-2