Message from Editor-in-Chief

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.


Welcome to the first issue of volume 20 of JIAMSE. As always, we have a variety of manuscripts to present to the reading public. I am sure everyone will find something to learn or apply in this issue. We, more than any other published journal, have papers which describe utilizable information that can be integrated into your curricula and courses. There is rarely an issue where there aren’t a couple of papers that I forward to people in my educational circle and often find emails thanking me for the information. I am sure many of you reading this issue are either doing or have in mind educational advances for your courses and curricula. These would be useful to everyone at IAMSE and beyond and we would be happy to consider them for publication. Send them to me and our review process is extremely user-friendly. I look forward to many submissions!

All best,

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, JIAMSE